Board of Directors
Crestline-Lake Arrowhead Water Agency's (CLAWA) Board is made up of five directors representing five divisions within the agency's boundaries. For more information please contact the agency at
Meeting Agendas & Schedule
The Board of Directors generally meets on the 1st Thursday of each month at the Agency office. Agendas are available prior to the meetings.
Most Recent Agenda | Board Meeting Schedule
Board Policies
Policies are regulated by several state and federal agencies, including the State Water Resources Control Board, California Department of Public Health, and the California and United States Environmental Protection Agencies. Questions regarding CLAWA's billing procedures should be submitted in writing to CLAWA at the address indicated on the home page.
Policy on Discontinuation of Service for Nonpayment (attachment is translated as required)
Board of Directors & Staff Members
Directorial Division 1 | Gilbert Flores
Directorial Division 2 | Steven Wood, President
Directorial Division 3 | Telfinues Preszler
Directorial Division 4 | Bruce D. Risher
Directorial Division 5 | Dora Conrad
General Manager | Jennifer A. Spindler
Board Secretary | Krista J. Ketterhagen